ELAN et Tools for spoken language corpora
Information, tools and links for the ELAN software
Downloading ELAN on the Max Planck website: https://tla.mpi.nl/tools/tla-tools/elan/download/
Information about ELAN on the Max Planck website: https://archive.mpi.nl/tla/elan
ELAN-DATA-ANALYSIS - Some tools for analyzing transcriptions made with ELAN: https://ct3.ortolang.fr/toolselan/index.html
ELAN Tutorial Screencasts: http://corpus.modyco.fr/tutoriels/elanindex.html
Downloading the file for ELAN continuous education: https://ct3.ortolang.fr/ct3/elan/formation/
Tools for the transcription of spoken language corpora
Downloading MORPOST files for the French analysis with CLAN: https://ct3.ortolang.fr/tools/morpost/
TEICONVERT: The TEICORPO tool online: https://ct3.ortolang.fr/teiconvert
Downloading TEICORPO, a tool to convert to and from the TEI: https://ct3.ortolang.fr/teicorpo/
The TEIMETA tool online: https://ct3.ortolang.fr/teimeta
Downloading TEIMETA, a tool for metadata editing: https://ct3.ortolang.fr/ct3/teimeta-doc
Downloading TRJS, a transcription tool: https://ct3.ortolang.fr/trjs
The CORLI STANZA online tool: https://corliapi.ortolang.fr/