TRJS is an application for fast and easy transcription of spoken language data. It offers a simple representation of the transcription with as many as speakers as required. Speakers are represented in main lines and each main lines can be followed by as many secondary lines as necessary to provide complementary information. The representation system is close to that of the CLAN program.
A small partition representation offers a view of the timing of the different speakers and thus offers a representation of speaker overlap similar as that of Praat or Elan. TRJS has borrowed the interface of Transcriber to offer the possibility of very fast transcription. All actions can be performed with the keyboard so as to be fast and efficient. A more fine grained adjustement of linking times can be done using the mouse and the wave representation.
TRJS uses as native format the TEI. It also uses natively the CHAT format (Alpha version - Import/Export for other versions). As its functionnalities are close to what CLAN offers it can be a good replacement for CLAN. TRJS can also import and export data from ELAN, Praat, Transcriber.
As TRJS is implemented using Electron, it takes advantages of the Chromium technology and offers an online lexical checking, thanks to the Chromium functions.

Download TRJS v 0.7.8
- Windows-7,8,10 32 bits - Run the installation program
- Windows-7,8,10 64 bits - Run the installation program
- Mac OS X 10.10 and later - Unzip the file and move the application whereever you want (Applications is a good choice)
- Linux and Building from the sources
- Alpha Version - Testing new features
User manual (v0.7.7)
Main principles
- Allows fast transcription and linking (using the mouse is optional, everything can be done from the keyboard, including starting/stopping/moving the sound or the video):
- Classical use with the mouse to spit sound or video is possible.
- Can import and then link a raw text.
- Compatible with Windows (7, 8, 10 - 32/64 bits), Mac OS X (10.10+), Linux and sources.
- The exists a version that run in a browser without server (local or distant). See Alpha versions.
- Read and write the following formats : CHAT/CLAN, Transcriber, ELAN et Praat. These files will open automatically if they have correct extensions, which are: .trjs. xml .cha .textgrid .eaf
- Native format is TEI (version 0.7.8).
- Phonetic API characters can be written directly in the text.
- Compatible the following media formats :
- Audio : WAVE, MP3
- Vidéo : MP4, WebM.
- The other media format can be converted by TRJS.
- File conversion (transcription) can be done on the Internet
- on line at this address :
- or to be downloaded here : teicorpo.jar - Documentation is there:
Development version
- TRJS is still under development. Version 0.7.8 provides all functionalities for editing and converting files and videos. Futures fonctionnalities are in preparation and will be providing in the Alpha versions.
- An old functionnality made it possible to use TRJS in a web browser without Electron. This version is available here
- A fully new version is under development.
- This version will make it possible to load and edit very large files, with faster loading time for all files.
- It can filter the file on the basis of speaker name or search patterns. You can work and edit only some lines.
- It can put lines in color freely choosen by the user on the basis of speaker names or pattern to look for.
- This new version works in a web browser without any other server or program. It can be used immediatly without any installation. It reads and writes nativaly TEI and CHAT files (without using import/export functions).
- The main limit of the web browser version is that it can save the files only in the download section. One has to manually relocate the edited files in their own folders. It cannot check CHAT files or convert Video files, nor ELAN, Praat and Transcriber files.
- The (future) Electron version will combined functionnalties of the 0.7.8 and the Alpha Web Version.
Download the Alpha version
- The Alpha version can be loaded online here:
- It can be downloaded here: Installing the program can be done by downloading, unziping the file in any directory and reading the trjs.html file in any recent and modern web browser (for example Firefox, Chrome, Edge, Opera).
Installation avec les sources
You can download the sources:
- either on the website: Linux and sources
- either on GitHub :
git clone
For Linux systems, it is necessary to install starting from the sources. Installation from the sources requires the previous installation of Node.js, NPM, Java, FFMPEG and FFPASTE. Node.js and NPM are necessary to get the sources and compile the program. The other libraries are necessary for file import/export and for wave visualisation and media conversion. Some system libraries have to be added, if not present already: sudo apt-get install libxext-dev libxtst-dev libxkbfile-dev All this can be done with the following commands:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openjdk-8-jre # if java is not installed (version 8 minimum)
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install nodejs # the default version of nodejs is not sufficient
sudo apt-get install libxext-dev libxtst-dev libxkbfile-dev
sudo apt-get install ffmpeg
Sources are available here: or download the file called "" (NUMBER is the version name, for example, 0.7.4) or use git clone.
git clone
Once the downloaded files are unzipped or after using git clone with github, please do:
npm install
npm run gulp
npm run electron
To run the software once install, it is only necessary to use:
npm run electron
Starting the command sh will create a folder named release which contains a folder nammed Trjs-linux-x64. This folder can be move and renammed. It contains the executable file and all parameters. It is only necessary to start the "Trjs" file in this folder to start TRJS. If Trjs-linux-x64 is moved, the source folder can be removed. Or it can be kept for updating the software. To do this, change git clone for git pull origin and repeat the whole process.